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Timeless Adventures


      Phone:                           Fax:

844-546-TOUR (8687)         731-499-8209


3330 Hwy 70 E, Camden, TN 38320  *

“Come escape with the tour company that loves to travel!”



Join us on your Timeless Adventure for


“Relaxing Time in the Ozarks”

October 11th – 15th, 2021



The bus departs Monday, October 11 heading for the Ozarks in Arkansas. Along the way plan on enjoying laughter and games while seeing the beautiful fall scenery. Remember your camera so you can capture the great memories you’ll make along the way. The Adventure continues as we make our journey to our beautiful cabins awaiting us in the Ozarks. 



An exciting Schedule is in store for you



October 11

Board the bus to enjoy fresh donuts while you catch up with old friends and meet new ones. We will make stops along the way for everyone to stretch their legs, restroom break, get a snack and a drink.

Once we arrive in and get checked into our cabins, we will jump back on the bus at 5:45 to be escorted to

dinner at 6:00 pm (included).



October 12

Wake up refreshed after a good night’s rest and partake of a delicious breakfast (included).  Today the first of 3 interesting craft workshops begin for men and women alike. You will be able to request which workshops you prefer once your have made your reservation.



8:30 am Breakfast (Included)

9:30 am Orientation & Craft Classes

12:00 Boxed Lunches (Included)

1:00 pm free time to explore the craft village

4:30 Return to cabins for a freshen up

5:30 Dinner at Jo Jo’s Catfish Wharf. (Included)

7:00 pm Our very own private music show in the White Oak Theater

8:30 pm Return to cabins for a night’s rest



October 13

8:30 am Breakfast (Included)

9:30 Craft workshop #2

11:45 Depart for downtown (Lunch at the square on your own)

1:00 Visit town square and quaint shops

3:30 Return to cabins

5:30 Dinner at the Skillet (Included)

6:30 Private music show in the White Oak Theater just for us

8:00 pm return to cabins for a nights rest




October 14

8:30 am Breakfast (Included)

9:30 Craft workshop #3

11:45 Lunch at the Skillet Restaurant (Included)

1:00 Visit Blanchard Springs Water fall and Old Mill in the National Forest

3:30 Return to cabins

5:30 Dinner at the Skillet (Included)

6:30 Go downtown for impromptu music on the square and some of the best ice cream!

Afterwards, return to cabins for another restful night



October 15

8:00am Luggage outside your door

8:30 am Breakfast (Included)

9:30 Start heading home refreshed, relaxed and ready to go on your next journey with Timeless Adventures!


Meals Included

4 Breakfasts * 2 Lunches * 4 Dinners


Sign up now to take advantage of the advanced booking discount.

$100 off per person.

But hurry this discount is only good for a limited time.



A $50 deposit is due at the time of booking from each traveler.

Balance Due: September 3, 2021


Tour Prices:

Double Occupancy: $1029 per person

Single Occupancy: $1259

Triple / Quad Occupancy: $979 per person


Cancellation Agreement: Timeless Adventures LLC urges you to purchase travelers insurance to protect you from monetary loss due to unforeseen circumstances.  Insurance for this tour must be calculated per individual, please call us for a quote. Travel insurance must be purchased with your initial deposit if coverage is desired. It is your responsibility to understand the terms of your policy.  Exclusions & limitations apply. Timeless Adventures LLC is only an agent for Travel Insured. Communications regarding your claim will be between you the traveler and the insurance company Travel Insured. For travelers that choose not to purchase travelers insurance, a written letter of cancellation must be received at least 60 days prior to departure. A cancellation fee equal to the initial deposit for this trip will be charged and the remainder of your payments will be refunded 15 days after the completion of the tour. Should you have to cancel within 60 days of a trip and we are able to resell your seats, we will refund your money, less your initial deposit as the cancellation fee. We assume no liability for any illnesses, accidents, personal injuries, delays, cancellations, etc. due to acts of God, transportation, restaurants, attractions, or lodging in conjunction with this tour.  We reserve the right to make modifications to our itinerary due to circumstances beyond our control. By agreeing to travel with Timeless Adventures LLC you are granting permission for us to publish your photo, individually or as a group for any advertising or social media platforms. Timeless Adventures LLC is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged articles, including luggage or personal property. A paid deposit indicates full acceptance of these terms and conditions.

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